Orriols 2022. The Mediapro corporate annual event
Concept design, visual content and set design of Orriols, the corporate anual event by Mediapro Group. This meeting is held once a year in the Mediapro Group headquarters auditorium. These are 3 workdays where the most prominent members of the company meet to discuss the balance sheets and challenges of the year. Delegates from large multinationals also meet, there are performances, debates on technology applied to Art and live connections with many Mediapro units worldwide. The meeting had speakers from large companies linked to Mediapro: Google, Huawei, Eleven, Great Point Studios, Movistar, Epic Games, Deloitte, Caixabank, Microsoft, Nvidia, etc. As a summary, Orriols is the most relevant meeting of the group and serves to show the future proposals of its more than 7K workers.
Live show with Avant-Garde Motion graphics & Virtual Production content featuring 10 Unreal environments over Aximmetry in Real Time.
341 leaders, 4 Mediapro units worldwide, 3 days & 28 presentations for the biggest Mediapro annual event.
Key moments from the live production of Orriols 2022.
For the first time, Orriols is presented as a Virtual Production show in real time that is applied directly to the speakers. For this occasion, we built a 12m x 4.5m LED screen and applied simultaneous connectivity to tracked cameras with virtual content generated by Unreal Engine. It was planned as an event with a TV program format and closed-circuit cameras broadcasting in streaming.

Located in the futuristic 22@Barcelona district, the building takes the form of a 19-story tower. It is the largest audiovisual production center in a European city and has more than 2,375 m2 of film sets and houses all kinds of technical facilities for content creation. In the Orriols work days, the participants do different workshops organized in the headquarters facilities.
The production was hosted by Juliana Canet and featured performances by the UPA NEXT dancers, a show by Leo Harlem and the participation of comedians Silvia Abril, Andreu Buenafuente, Laura Márquez, Berto Romero, Eva Soriano, Valeria Ros, Carolina Iglesias, Litus Ruíz as well as a panel discussion moderated by journalist Mònica Terribas. In the business panels, it featured guests such as Cristina Burzako (Movistar+ CEO), Mar González (Google Labs), Judith Amores (Microsoft Research), Jamie Allan (Nvidia Business development director), Simon Windsor & Callum MacMillan (Co-Founders of Dimension Studios), Bernt Kare Johannessen (Industry Manager at Epic Games), Therese Jamaa (Vicepresident Huawei Spain), Antonio Espasa (Chief Economist Europe at Santander Bank) or Robert Halmi (CEO of Great Point Studios) among others. During Orriols 2022, the agreement between The Mediapro Studio and Penélope Cruz was also announced, giving rise to a new production company called Moonlyon.
Opening title for the Orriols sessions & launch video of the Virtual Production unit. Fully made with Unreal.

Optimized by the Unreal Artists team to be the space that surrounds the speaker. With Virtual Production technology applied live, these environments were integrated into the signal and the result of the frustum was broadcast in a circle on the same screen.
They were created with Motion graphics and generative systems that could have an unlimited duration. This material related the concepts of each intervention with graphic inspirations according to the imagery created for the Orriols workdays.
Tech info
Orriols 2022 Making of
Tech Spec
CGi + VP. Unreal // Live TV. Aximetry // Motion. Cinema 4D // LED screen. 12m x 4.5m // LED pixel pitch. 2.6 //
In the slideshow: different approaches that reflect the construction process of the set-design, R&D, 3D previews, visual content, the technical logic of the Virtual Production, On set tests... The circle on the right carried the resulting signal with the environment already integrated.

Communications Director. Carme Anglada // Creative Direction. Aníbal Santaella // Production. Isaac Bergadà // Tech director. Lluis López // Management. Clara Layunta, Mar Farga // Program director. Aitor Font // RT control. Sergio Gómez, Enric López // Set design tech director. Vicente Gómez // 3D artists. Toni Solà, René Acunya, Fernando Espina, Rafael Mendoça. Environments 3D artists. Mar Prat, Xes Vilà // M.graph production. Rosa Peñacoba // Motion graphics. Jorge Sobrino, Aranu Rodriguez // Sound. Telson (Grup Mediapro) // Light design. Adisar (Grup Mediapro) // Graphic Design. Carles G. Sanchez // Live team. Alberto Albarracín, Aleix Masferrer, Aranau Colomer, Carles Ochoa, Carlos Carretero, Cristian Blessa, Cristian Mas, Dani Giménez, David Dotu, David Fernández Ramon, Edgar Almansa, Eduard Herencia, Emilio González, Enric Calvo, Eric Busquets, Eva Martínez, Felipe Molina, Gemma Gou, Gustavo Olavarria, Jordi Banqué, Jordi Crespí, Jordi Ribas, Jordi Torner, Jorge González, Julia Rubio, Leo Ruíz, Lorena Masa, Mia Lozano, Miguel Vicente, Nerea Tubau, Oriol Martínez, Óscar Maza, Pablo Lirola, Pilar Gelonch, Ramón Moreso, Rubén Parma, Roser Orden, Susana Higueras, Windmark Gayanes

3 days Virtual Production show for the Mediapro flagship event
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Aníbal Santaella // All website, @ 2024. The content on this website is protected by national & international copyright owned by various licensed companies.